Problem solving: some solutions proposed by CDR during its activity of solving specific complex problems.
Analysis systems for hematology
CDR reserachers in 1980 solved the problem to determine automatically the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in blood samples.
The solution consisted in taking into account the micro-electrical technology that was applied to fields very distant from applied to fields that are very distant from electro biomedicine. The system that has been developed allowed to obtain a clinical outcome in extremely reduced times in comparison with the chemical methods employed at the time. The continuation of the CDR research in the field allowed to realize in 1997 a new measuring cell based on CCD technology and sophisticated techniques of signal elaboration. That brought to a new generation of advanced systems to determine ESR.
Look at the current version of the solution for ESR determination: VESstatic µ16.
Analytical chemistry for food industry
More than 6200 plants in Italy belong to the Dop and Igp extra virgin olive oil sector: transformation plants for olives, milling and bottling plants refer to more than 19.000 producers and to a surface of 100.000 hectares cultivated with olive trees. The olive oil market is lively all over the world (Spain, Greece, Africa, South America) and CDR affirmed its presence in the sector since 90’ with a specific solution to analyze olive oil straight in the plants.
Also in this case the development of this system succeeded thanks to the union of diverse technical competences: electronics, analytical chemistry, physics and mechanics synthesize in the first instrument of the CDR FoodLab Line, the line of products of food diagnostics, entirely designed to simplify, without losses of reliability, the procedures of chemical analysis and quality control inside the food manufacturing plants and companies.
The advantages of the CDR food analysis solutions are multiple and could not be possible without the ability of the CDR designers and researchers and the ability of realizing innovations and ideas aimed to different production sectors.
The first ones to profit by this analytical solution were the extra virgin olive oil mills and companies. Subsequently CDR analysis systems expanded to other field of food manufacturing: different kind of vegetable fats, animal fats, vegetable purees, milk and dairy products, wine etc. Our clients range from international to small and medium sized companies.
Discover OxiTester analysis system for olive oil.
The technology for toll collection in motorways
CDR works with the Italian Motorway Company and dealerships since a long time. Starting from the 80’, when the first exit lanes fully automatic were introduced into the system of the Italian motorway traffic, CDR developed specific devices for toll collection.
The project responded to a series of specific request and needs from the company:
- The motorway titles – tickets and proprietary magnetic cards – had to be inserted in the toll machine independently from the insertion direction;
- Only one plate had to be maintained for title insertion;
- Sizes and dimensions of the devices could not be changed.
However the constant evolution of the motorway toll collection systems, concerning infrastructure changes and the innovation in payment methods and in automation systems, led to subsequent upgrades of the project. The CDR research in the field never stopped and the team keep on producing new solutions and prototypes. Recently CDR has concentrated its research on a particular aspect of the project, the integration of different and new payment methods: cash, prepaid cards, cards with magnetic stripe or microchip, contactless cards and NFC technology devices. Look at the products of Telematics Systems.