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CDR is at Beer Attraction 2016

CDR participates in Beer Attraction, Rimini February 20 to 23, with Sacco, the exclusive distributor of the CDR BeerLab, the chemical analysis system for the quality control in the brewing process. CDRBeerLab sistema di analisi della birra a Beer Attraction 2016After the positive results achieved in the past year, CDR back at the Beer Attraction to present CDR BeerLab, the analysis system of the beer. Beer Attraction is the event held in Rimini from 20 to 23 February, dedicated to beer specialties, technologies, equipment and raw materials. CDR is at the event with Sacco which has recently entered into an agreement for the exclusive distribution of CDR BeerLab in Italy. At Beer Attraction the CDR and Sacco teams will make practical demonstrations with CDR BeerLab: brewers, breweries and all those working in the beer sector will have the opportunity to take vision of the innovations that the system introduces in the monitoring of the quality control in the brewing process. For more information read the complete news on CDR BeerLab at Beer Attraction 2016 in Rimini Italy